Well another doodle from me^^ well for people who never seen my previous doodles before, yea i dun doodle alot and this is forced out of me due to assignments and stuff :P i kinda like drawing this kinda stuff cuz it makes me feel kinda artistic:P but sadly it takes me bout 30mins-3hrs to finish a piece.... oh and this piece is diff from my previous ones as this is the first doodle in pen, ok i had a few done in pen 2 weeks ago but they are not nice ( to me) so i refuse to show unless you insist on looking at it i show it in person. well since i already put one might as well put the past doodles here too^^
yups and this was one of my longest doodle to finish wif a span of nearly 2 years:P well i did the head at sec 4 and due to O's i stopped only till poly then i picked it up and finished it due to a game i played in VE:P
And this:
is my 3rd piece of doodle^^ well this was requested to be done by my auntie after seeing the 2nd one^^ well anyway all this are based off colored pictures so technically i copied:P guess thats what im only good at when it comes to drawing haha. well more doodles will come due to visual arts being so demanding in sketches nowT_T hope i survive through this...